Convolution Operation

In its most general form, convolution is an operation on two functions of a real valued argument. To motivate the definition of convolution, we start with examples of two functions we might use.

Suppose we are tracking the location of a spaceship with a laser sensor. Our laser sensor provides a single output $x(t)$, the position of the spaceship at time $t$. Both $x$ and $t$ are real-valued, i.e., we can get a different reading from the laser sensor at any instant in time.Now suppose that our laser sensor is somewhat noisy. To obtain a less noisy estimate of the spaceship’s position, we would like to average together several measurements. Of course, more recent measurements are more relevant, so we will want this to be a weighted average that gives more weight to recent measurements. We can do this with a weighting function $w(a)$, where $a$ is the age of a measurement.If we apply such a weighted average operation at every moment, we obtain a new function providing a smoothed estimate of the position s of the spaceship:

$s(t)=\int x(a)w(t-a) da$

This operation is called convolution. The convolution operation is typically denoted with an asterisk:

$s(t) = (x ∗ w)(t)$

In our example, $w$ needs to be a valid probability density function, or the  output is not a weighted average. Also, $w$ needs to be 0 for all negative arguments,  or it will look into the future, which is presumably beyond our capabilities. These limitations are particular to our example though. In general, convolution is defined for any functions for which the above integral is defined, and may be used for other purposes besides taking weighted averages.

In convolutional network terminology, the first argument (in this example, the function $x$) to the convolution is often referred to as the input and the second argument (in this example, the function $w$) as the kernel. The output is sometimes referred to as the feature map.

In our example, the idea of a laser sensor that can provide measurements at every instant in time is not realistic. Usually, when we work with data on a computer, time will be discretized, and our sensor will provide data at regular intervals. In our example, it might be more realistic to assume that our laser provides a measurement once per second. The time index $t$ can then take on only integer values. If we now assume that $x$ and $w$ are defined only on integer $t$, we can define the discrete convolution:

$s(t)=(x * w)(t)=\sum_{-\infty}^ \infty x(a)w(t-a)$

In machine learning applications, the input is usually a multidimensional array of data and the kernel is usually a multidimensional array of parameters that are adapted by the learning algorithm. We will refer to these multidimensional arrays as tensors. Because each element of the input and kernel must be explicitly stored separately, we usually assume that these functions are zero everywhere but the finite set of points for which we store the values. This means that in practice we can implement the infinite summation as a summation over a finite number of array elements.Finally, we often use convolutions over more than one axis at a time. For example, if we use a two-dimensional image $I$ as our input, we probably also want to use a two-dimensional kernel $K$:

$S(i,j)=(I*K)(i,j)=\sum_m \sum_n I(m,n)K(i-m,j-n)$

Convolution is commutative, meaning we can equivalently write:

$S(i,j)=(K*I)(i,j)=\sum_m \sum_n I(i-m,j-n)K(m,n)$

Usually the latter formula is more straightforward to implement in a machine learning library, because there is less variation in the range of valid values of $m$ and $n$.The commutative property of convolution arises because we have flipped the kernel relative to the input, in the sense that as $m$ increases, the index into the input increases, but the index into the kernel decreases. The only reason to flip the kernel is to obtain the commutative property. While the commutative property is useful for writing proofs, it is not usually an important property of a neural network implementation. Instead, many neural network libraries implement a related function called the cross-correlation, which is the same as convolution but without flipping the kernel:

$S(i,j)=(I*K)(i,j)=\sum_m \sum_n I(i+m,j+n)K(m,n)$

Many machine learning libraries implement cross-correlation but call it convolution.In the context of machine learning, the learning algorithm will learn the appropriate values of the kernel in the appropriate place, so an algorithm based on convolution with kernel flipping will learn a kernel that is flipped relative to the kernel learned by an algorithm without the flipping. It is also rare for convolution to be used alone in machine learning; instead convolution is used simultaneously with other functions, and the combination of these functions does not commute regardless of whether the convolution operation flips its kernel or not. 


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