Generalization Issues in Model Tuning and Evaluation

There are several practical issues in the training of neural network models that one must be careful of because of the bias-variance trade-off. The first of these issues is associated with model tuning and hyperparameter choice. For example, if one tuned the neural network with the same data that were used to train it, one would not obtain very good results because of overfitting. Therefore, the hyperparameters (e.g., regularization parameter) are tuned on a separate held-out set than the one on which the weight parameters on the neural network are learned.

Given a labeled data set, one needs to use this resource for training, tuning, and testing the accuracy of the model. Clearly, one cannot use the entire resource of labeled data for model building (i.e., learning the weight parameters). For example, using the same data set for both model building and testing grossly overestimates the accuracy. This is because the main goal of classification is to generalize a model of labeled data to unseen test instances.Furthermore, the portion of the data set used for model selection and parameter tuning also needs to be different from that used for model building. A common mistake is to use the same data set for both parameter tuning and final evaluation (testing). Such an approach partially mixes the training and test data, and the resulting accuracy is overly optimistic.A given data set should always be divided into three parts defined according to the way in which the data are used:

1. Training data: This part of the data is used to build the training model (i.e., during the process of learning the weights of the neural network). Several design choices may be available during the building of the model. The neural network might use different hyperparameters for the learning rate or for regularization. The same training data set may be tried multiple times over different choices for the hyperparameters or completely different algorithms to build the models in multiple ways. This process
allows estimation of the relative accuracy of different algorithm settings. This process sets the stage for model selection, in which the best algorithm is selected out of these different models. However, the actual evaluation of these algorithms for selecting the best model is not done on the training data, but on a separate validation data set to avoid favoring overfitted models.

2. Validation data: This part of the data is used for model selection and parameter tuning. For example, the choice of the learning rate may be tuned by constructing the model multiple times on the first part of the data set (i.e., training data), and then using the validation set to estimate the accuracy of these different models. As discussed earlier different combinations of parameters are sampled within a range and tested for accuracy on the validation set. The best choice of each combination of parameters is determined by using this accuracy. In a sense, validation data should be viewed as a kind of test data set to tune the parameters of the algorithm (e.g., learning rate, number of layers or units in each layer), or to select the best design choice (e.g., sigmoid versus tanh activation).

3. Testing data: This part of the data is used to test the accuracy of the final (tuned) model. It is important that the testing data are not even looked at during the process of parameter tuning and model selection to prevent overfitting. The testing data are used only once at the very end of the process. Furthermore, if the analyst uses the results on the test data to adjust the model in some way, then the results will be contaminated with knowledge from the testing data. The idea that one is allowed to look at a test data set only once is an extraordinarily strict requirement (and an important one). Yet, it is frequently violated in real-life benchmarks. The temptation to use what one has learned from the final accuracy evaluation is simply too high.

The division of the labeled data set into training data, validation data, and test data is shown in Figure below. Strictly speaking, the validation data is also a part of the training data, because it influences the final model (although only the model building portion is often referred to as the training data). The division in the ratio of 2:1:1 is a conventional rule of thumb that has been followed since the nineties. However, it should not be viewed as a strict rule. For very large labeled data sets, one needs only a modest number of examples to estimate accuracy. When a very large data set is available, it makes sense to use as much of it for model building as possible, because the variance induced by the validation and evaluation stage is often quite low. A constant number of examples (e.g., less than a few thousand) in the validation and test data sets are sufficient to provide accurate estimates.Therefore, the 2:1:1 division is a rule of thumb inherited from an era in which data sets were small. In the modern era, where data sets are large, almost all of the points are used for training, and a modest (constant) number are used for testing. It is not uncommon to have divisions such as 98:1:1.

Evaluating with Hold-Out and Cross-Validation
The aforementioned description of partitioning the labeled data into three segments is an implicit description of a method referred to as hold-out for segmenting the labeled data into various portions. However, the division into three parts is not done in one shot. Rather, the training data is first divided into two parts for training and testing. The testing part is then carefully hidden away from any further analysis until the very end where it can be used only once. The remainder of the data set is then divided again into the training and validation portions. This type of recursive division is shown in Figure below.
A key point is that the types of division at both levels of the hierarchy are conceptually identical. In the following, we will consistently use the terminology of the first level of division in Figure  into “training” and “testing” data, even though the same approach can also be used for the second-level division into model building and validation portions.This allows us to provide a common description of evaluation processes at both levels of the division

In the hold-out method, a fraction of the instances are used to build the training model. The remaining instances, which are also referred to as the held-out instances, are used for testing. The accuracy of predicting the labels of the held-out instances is then reported as the overall accuracy. Such an approach ensures that the reported accuracy is not a result of overfitting to the specific data set, because different instances are used for training and testing. The approach, however, underestimates the true accuracy.

Consider the case where the held-out examples have a higher presence of a particular class than the labeled data set. This means that the held-in examples have a lower average presence of the same class,
which will cause a mismatch between the training and test data. Furthermore, the class-wise frequency of the held-in examples will always be inversely related to that of the held-out examples. This will lead to a consistent pessimistic bias in the evaluation. In spite of these weaknesses, the hold-out method has the advantage of being simple and efficient, which makes it a popular choice in large-scale settings. From a deep-learning perspective, this is an important observation because large data sets are common.

In the cross-validation method, the labeled data is divided into q equal segments. One of the q segments is used for testing, and the remaining $(q−1)$ segments are used for training.This process is repeated q times by using each of the q segments as the test set. The average accuracy over the $q$ different test sets is reported. Note that this approach can closely estimate the true accuracy when the value of $q$ is large. A special case is one where $q$ is chosen to be equal to the number of labeled data points and therefore a single point is used for testing. Since this single point is left out from the training data, this approach is referred to as leave-one-out cross-validation. Although such an approach can closely approximate the accuracy, it is usually too expensive to train the model a large number of times. In fact,
cross-validation is sparingly used in neural networks because of efficiency issues.


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