Ensemble Methods- Bagging resampling and Boosting

Ensemble methods derive their inspiration from the bias-variance trade-off. One way of reducing the error of a classifier is to find a way to reduce either its bias or the variance without affecting the other component. Ensemble methods are used commonly in machine learning, and two examples of such methods are bagging and boosting. The former is a method for variance reduction, whereas the latter is a method for bias reduction. Most ensemble methods in neural networks are focused on variance reduction. This is because neural networks are valued for their ability to build arbitrarily complex models in which the bias is relatively low. However, operating at the complex end of the bias variance trade-off almost always leads to higher variance, which is manifested as overfitting. Therefore, the goal of most ensemble methods in the neural network setting is variance reduction (i.e., better generalization).

Bagging (short for bootstrap aggregating) is a technique for reducing generalization error by combining several models (Breiman, 1994). The idea is to train several different models separately, then have all of the models vote on the output for test examples. This is an example of a general strategy in machine learning called model averaging. Techniques employing this strategy are known as ensemble methods. The reason that model averaging works is that different models will usually not make all the same errors on the test set.

Different ensemble methods construct the ensemble of models in different ways.For example, each member of the ensemble could be formed by training a completely different kind of model using a different algorithm or objective function. Bagging is a method that allows the same kind of model, training algorithm and objective function to be reused several times.

Specifically, bagging involves constructing k different datasets. Each dataset has the same number of examples as the original dataset, but each dataset is constructed by sampling with replacement from the original dataset. This means that, with high probability, each dataset is missing some of the examples from the original dataset and also contains several duplicate examples (on average around 2/3 of the examples from the original dataset are found in the resulting training set, if it has the same size as the original). Model $i$ is then trained on dataset $i$. The differences between which examples are included in each dataset result in differences between the trained models. See figure below for an example.

Neural networks reach a wide enough variety of solution points that they can often benefit from model averaging even if all of the models are trained on the same dataset. Differences in random initialization, random selection of minibatches, differences in hyperparameters, or different outcomes of non-deterministic implementations of neural networks are often enough to cause different members of the ensemble to make partially independent errors.

Model averaging is an extremely powerful and reliable method for reducing generalization error. Its use is usually discouraged when benchmarking algorithms for scientific papers, because any machine learning algorithm can benefit substantially from model averaging at the price of increased computation and memory.For this reason, benchmark comparisons are usually made using a single model.

Machine learning contests are usually won by methods using model averaging over dozens of models. A recent prominent example is the Netflix Grand Prize.Not all techniques for constructing ensembles are designed to make the ensemble more regularized than the individual models. For example, a technique called boosting constructs an ensemble with higher capacity than the individual models. Boosting has been applied to build ensembles of neural networks (Schwenk and Bengio, 1998) by incrementally adding neural networks to the ensemble. Boosting has also been applied interpreting an individual neural network as an ensemble , incrementally adding hidden units to the neural network.

Bagging and Subsampling
Imagine that you had an infinite resource of training data available to you, where you could generate as many training points as you wanted from a base distribution. How can one use this unusually generous resource of data to get rid of variance? If a sufficient number of samples is available, after all, the variance of most types of statistical estimates can by asymptotically reduced to 0.

A natural approach for reducing the variance in this case would be to repeatedly create different training data sets and predict the same test instance using these data sets. The prediction across different data sets can then be averaged to yield the final prediction. If a sufficient number of training data sets is used, the variance of the prediction will be reduced to 0, although the bias will still remain depending on the choice of model.

The approach described above can be used only when an infinite resource of data is available. However, in practice, we only have a single finite instance of the data available to us. In such cases, one obviously cannot implement the above methodology. However, it turns out that an imperfect simulation of the above methodology still has better variance characteristics than a single execution of the model on the entire training data set. The basic idea is to generate new training data sets from the single instance of the base data by sampling. The sampling can be performed with or without replacement. The predictions on a particular test instance, which are obtained from the models built with different training
sets, are then averaged to create the final prediction. One can average either the real-valued predictions (e.g., probability estimates of class labels) or the discrete predictions. In the case of real-valued predictions, better results are sometimes obtained by using the median of the values.

It is common to use the softmax to yield probabilistic predictions of discrete outputs.If probabilistic predictions are averaged, it is common to average the logarithms of these values. This is the equivalent of using the geometric means of the probabilities. For discrete predictions, arithmetically averaged voting is used. This distinction between the handling of discrete and probabilistic predictions is carried over to other types of ensemble methods that require averaging of the predictions. This is because the logarithms of the probabilities have a log-likelihood interpretation, and log-likelihoods are inherently additive.

The main difference between bagging and subsampling is in terms of whether or not replacement is used in the creation of the sampled training data sets. We summarize these methods as follows:

1. Bagging: In bagging, the training data is sampled with replacement. The sample size $s$ may be different from the size of the training data size $n$, although it is common to set $s$ to $n$. In the latter case, the resampled data will contain duplicates, and about a fraction $(1−1/n)^n ≈ 1/e$ of the original data set will not be included at all. Here, the notation $e$ denotes the base of the natural logarithm. A model is constructed on the resampled training data set, and each test instance is predicted with the resampled data. The entire process of resampling and model building is repeated $m$ times. For a given test instance, each of these $m$ models is applied to the test data. The predictions from different models are then averaged to yield a single robust prediction. Although it is customary to choose $s = n$ in bagging, the best results are often obtained by choosing values of $s$ much less than $n$.

2. Subsampling is similar to bagging, except that the different models are constructed on the samples of the data created without replacement. The predictions from the different models are averaged. In this case, it is essential to choose $s < n$, because choosing $s = n$ yields the same training data set and identical results across different ensemble components

When a sufficient training data are available, subsampling is often preferable to bagging.However, using bagging makes sense when the amount of available data is limited. It is noteworthy that all the variance cannot be removed by using bagging or subsampling, because the different training samples will have overlaps in the included points. Therefore, the predictions of test instances from different samples will be positively correlated. The average of a set of random variables that are positively correlated will always have a variance that is proportional to the level of correlation. As a result, there will always be a residual variance in the predictions. This residual variance is a consequence of the fact that bagging and subsampling are imperfect simulations of drawing the training data from a base distribution. Nevertheless, the variance of this approach is still lower than that of constructing a single model on the entire training data set. The main challenge in directly using bagging for neural networks is that one must construct multiple training models, which is highly inefficient. However, the construction of different models can be fully parallelized, and therefore this type of setting is a perfect candidate for training on multiple GPU processors.


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