Early Stopping

Neural networks are trained using variations of gradient-descent methods. In most optimization models, gradient-descent methods are executed to convergence. However, executing gradient descent to convergence optimizes the loss on the training data, but not necessarily on the out-of-sample test data. This is because the final few steps often overfit to the specific nuances of the training data, which might not generalize well to the test data.

A natural solution to this dilemma is to use early stopping. In this method, a portion of the training data is held out as a validation set. The backpropagation-based training is only applied to the portion of the training data that does not include the validation set. At the same time, the error of the model on the validation set is continuously monitored. At some point, this error begins to rise on the validation set, even though it continues to reduce on the training set. This is the point at which further training causes overfitting. Therefore, this point can be chosen for termination. It is important to keep track of the best solution achieved so far in the learning process (as computed on the validation data). This is because one does not perform early stopping after tiny increases in the out-of-sample error (which might be caused by noisy variations), but it is advisable to continue to train to check if the error continues to rise. In other words, the termination point is chosen in hindsight after the error on the validation set continues to rise, and all hope is lost of improving the error performance on the validation set.

Even though the removal of the validation set does lose some training points, the effect of data loss is often quite small. This is because neural networks are often trained on extremely large data sets of the order of tens of millions of points. A validation set does not need a large number of points. For example, the use of a sample of 10,000 points for validation might be tiny compared to the full data size. Although one can often include the validation set within the training data to retrain the network for the same number of steps (as was obtained at the early stopping point), the effect of this approach can sometimes be unpredictable. It can also lead to a doubling of computational costs, because the neural network needs to be trained all over again.

This means we can obtain a model with better validation set error (and thus, hopefully better test set error) by returning to the parameter setting at the point in time with the lowest validation set error. Every time the error on the validation set improves, we store a copy of the model parameters. When the training algorithm terminates, we return these parameters, rather than the latest parameters. The algorithm terminates when no parameters have improved over the best recorded validation error for some pre-specified number of iterations.This strategy is known as early stopping. It is probably the most commonly used form of regularization in deep learning. Its popularity is due both to its effectiveness and its simplicity.

One way to think of early stopping is as a very efficient hyperparameter selection algorithm. In this view, the number of training steps is just another hyperparameter.In the case of early stopping, we are controlling the effective capacity of the model by determining how many steps it can take to fit the training set. Most hyperparameters must be chosen using an expensive guess and check process, where we set a hyperparameter at the start of training, then run training for several steps to see its effect. The
“training time” hyperparameter is unique in that by definition a single run of training tries out many values of the hyperparameter. The only significant cost  to choosing this hyperparameter automatically via early stopping is running the validation set evaluation periodically during training. Ideally, this is done in parallel to the training process on a separate machine, separate CPU, or separate GPU from the main training process. If such resources are not available, then the cost of these periodic evaluations may be reduced by using a validation set that is small compared to the training set or by evaluating the validation set error less frequently and obtaining a lower resolution estimate of the optimal training time.

An additional cost to early stopping is the need to maintain a copy of the best parameters. This cost is generally negligible, because it is acceptable to store these parameters in a slower and larger form of memory (for example, training in GPU memory, but storing the optimal parameters in host memory or on a disk drive). Since the best parameters are written to infrequently and never read during training, these occasional slow writes have little effect on the total training time.

Early stopping is a very unobtrusive form of regularization, in that it requires almost no change in the underlying training procedure, the objective function, or the set of allowable parameter values. This means that it is easy to use early stopping without damaging the learning dynamics. This is in contrast to weight decay, where one must be careful not to use too much weight decay and trap the network in a bad local minimum corresponding to a solution with pathologically small weights.

Early stopping may be used either alone or in conjunction with other regularization strategies. Even when using regularization strategies that modify the objective function to encourage better generalization, it is rare for the best generalization to occur at a local minimum of the training objective.

One advantage of early stopping is that it can be easily added to neural network training without significantly changing the training procedure. Furthermore, methods like weight decay require us to try different values of the regularization parameter, $λ$, which can be expensive. Because of the ease in combining it with existing algorithms, early stopping can be used in combination with other regularizers in a relatively straightforward way. Therefore, early stopping is almost always used, because one does not lose much by adding it to the learning procedure. One can view early stopping as a kind of constraint on the optimization process. By restricting the number of steps in the gradient descent, one is effectively restricting the distance of the final solution from the initialization point. Adding constraints to the model of a machine learning problem is often a form of regularization.

Early stopping is also useful because it reduces the computational cost of the training procedure. Besides the obvious reduction in cost due to limiting the number of training iterations, it also has the benefit of providing regularization without requiring the addition of penalty terms to the cost function or the computation of
the gradients of such additional terms.


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