Parameter Sharing and Parameter Tying

A natural form of regularization that reduces the parameter footprint of the model is the sharing of parameters across different connections. Often, this type of parameter sharing is enabled by domain-specific insights. The main insight required to share parameters is that the function computed at two nodes should be related in some way. This type of insight can be obtained when one has a good idea of how a particular computational node relates to the input data. Examples of such parameter-sharing methods are as follows:

1. Sharing weights in autoencoders: The symmetric weights in the encoder and decoder portion of the autoencoder are often shared. Although an autoencoder will work whether or not the weights are shared, doing so improves the regularization properties of the algorithm. In a single-layer autoencoder with linear activation, weight sharing forces orthogonality among the different hidden components of the weight matrix. This provides the same reduction as singular value decomposition.

2. Recurrent neural networks: These networks are often used for modeling sequential data, such as time-series, biological sequences, and text. The last of these is the most commonly used application of recurrent neural networks. In recurrent neural networks, a time-layered representation of the network is created in which the neural network is replicated across layers associated with time stamps. Since each time stamp is assumed to use the same model, the parameters are shared between different layers. Recurrent neural networks are discussed later.

3. Convolutional neural networks: Convolutional neural networks are used for image recognition and prediction. Correspondingly, the inputs of the network are arranged into a rectangular grid pattern, along with all the layers of the network. Furthermore, the weights across contiguous patches of the network are typically shared. The basic idea is that a rectangular patch of the image corresponds to a portion of the visual field, and it should be interpreted in the same way no matter where it is located. In other words, a carrot means the same thing whether it is at the left or the right of the image. In essence, these methods use semantic insights about the data to reduce the parameter footprint, share weights, and sparsify the connections. Convolutional neural networks are discussed later.

In many of these cases, it is evident that parameter sharing is enabled by the use of domain specific insights about the training data as well as a good understanding of how the computed function at a node relates to the training data. 

An additional type of weight sharing is soft weight sharing . In soft weight sharing, the parameters are not completely tied, but a penalty is associated with them being different. For example, if one expects the weights $w_i$ and $w_j$ to be similar, the penalty $λ(w_i −w_j)^2/2$ might be added to the loss function. In such a case, the quantity $αλ(w_j − w_i)$ might be added to the update of $w_i$, and the quantity $αλ(w_i − w_j)$ might be added to the update of $w_j$ . Here, $α$ is the learning rate. These types of changes to the updates tend to pull the weights towards each other.

While a parameter norm penalty is one way to regularize parameters to be close to one another, the more popular way is to use constraints: to force sets of parameters to be equal. This method of regularization is often referred to as parameter sharing, because we interpret the various models or model components as sharing a unique set of parameters. A significant advantage of parameter sharing
over regularizing the parameters to be close (via a norm penalty) is that only a subset of the parameters (the unique set) need to be stored in memory. In certain models—such as the convolutional neural network—this can lead to significant reduction in the memory footprint of the model.


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