
 There are other ways in which convolution can reduce the spatial footprint of the image (or hidden layer). The above approach performs the convolution at every position in the spatial location of the feature map. However, it is not necessary to perform the convolution at every spatial position in the layer. One can reduce the level of granularity of the convolution by using the notion of strides. The description above corresponds to the case when a stride of 1 is used. When a stride of $S_q$ is used in the $q$th layer, the convolution is performed at the locations $1, S_q + 1, 2S_q + 1$, and so on along both spatial dimensions of the layer. The spatial size of the output on performing this convolution1 has height of $(L_q − F_q)/S_q + 1$ and a width of $(B_q − F_q)/S_q + 1$. As a result, the use of strides will result in a reduction of each spatial dimension of the layer by a factor of approximately $S_q$ and the area by $S^2_q$ ,although the actual factor may vary because of edge effects. It is most common to use a stride of 1, although a stride of 2 is occasionally used as well. It is rare to use strides more than 2 in normal circumstances. Even though a stride of 4 was used in the input layer of the winning architecture  of the ILSVRC competition of 2012, the winning entry in the subsequent year reduced the stride to 2  to improve accuracy. Larger strides can be helpful in memory-constrained settings or to reduce overfitting if the spatial resolution is unnecessarily high. 

Strides have the effect of rapidly increasing the receptive field of each feature in the hidden layer, while reducing the spatial footprint of the entire layer. An increased receptive field is useful in order to capture a complex feature in a larger spatial region of the image. As we will see later, the hierarchical feature engineering process of a convolutional neural network captures more complex shapes in later layers. Historically, the receptive fields have been increased with another operation, known as the max-pooling operation. In recent years, larger strides have been used in the  max-pooling operations.

Typical Settings

It is common to use stride sizes of 1 in most settings. Even when strides are used, small strides of size 2 are used. Furthermore, it is common to have $L_q = B_q$. In other words, it is desirable to work with square images. In cases where the input images are not square, preprocessing is used to enforce this property. For example, one can extract square patches of the image to create the training data. 

The number of filters in each layer is often a power of 2, because this often results in more efficient processing. Such an approach also leads to hidden layer depths that are powers of 2. Typical values of the spatial extent of the filter size (denoted by Fq) are 3 or 5. In general, small filter sizes often provide the best results, although some practical challenges exist in using filter sizes that are too small. Small filter sizes typically lead to deeper networks (for the same parameter footprint) and therefore tend to be more powerful. In fact, one of the top entries in an ILSVRC contest, referred to as VGG , was the first to experiment with a spatial filter dimension of only $F_q = 3$ for all layers, and the approach was found to work very well in comparison with larger filter sizes.

Use of Bias

As in all neural networks, it is also possible to add biases to the forward operations. Each unique filter in a layer is associated with its own bias. Therefore, the $p$th filter in the $q$th layer has bias $b(p,q)$. 

When any convolution is performed with the $p$th filter in the $q$th layer, the value of $b(p,q)$ is added to the dot product. The use of the bias simply increases the number of parameters in each filter by 1, and therefore it is not a significant overhead. Like all other parameters, the bias is learned during backpropagation. One can treat the bias as a weight of a connection whose input is always set to +1. This special input is used in all convolutions, irrespective of the spatial location of the convolution. Therefore, one can assume that a special pixel appears in the input whose value is always set to 1. Therefore, the number of input features in the $q$th layer is $1 + L_q × B_q × d_q$. This is a standard feature-engineering trick that is used for handling bias in all forms of machine learning.


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