Case Studies-Convolutional Architecture -AlexNet

In the following, we provide some case studies of convolutional architectures. These case studies were derived from successful entries to the ILSVRC competition in recent years.These are instructive because they provide an understanding of the important factors in neural network design that can make these networks work well. Even though recent years have seen some changes in architectural design (like ReLU activation), it is striking how similar the modern architectures are to the basic design of LeNet-5. The main changes from LeNet-5 to modern architectures are in terms of the explosion of depth, the use of ReLU activation, and the training efficiency enabled by modern hardware/optimization enhancements. Modern architectures are deeper, and they use a variety of computational, architectural, and hardware tricks to efficiently train these networks with large amounts of data. Hardware advancements should not be underestimated; modern GPU-based platforms are 10,000 times faster than the (similarly priced) systems available at the time LeNet-5 was proposed. Even on these modern platforms, it often takes a week to train a convolutional neural network that is accurate enough to be competitive at ILSVRC. The hardware, data-centric, and algorithmic enhancements are connected to some extent. It is difficult to try new algorithmic tricks if enough data and computational power is not available to experiment with complex/deeper models in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, the recent revolution in deep convolutional networks could not have been possible, had it not been for the large amounts of data and increased computational power available today.

In the following section, we provide an overview of some of the well-known models that are often used for designing training algorithms for image classification. It is worth mentioning that some of these models are available as pretrained models over ImageNet, and the resulting features can be used for applications beyond classification. Such an approach is a form of transfer learning.


Alexnet won the Imagenet large-scale visual recognition challenge in 2012. The model was proposed in 2012 in the research paper named Imagenet Classification with Deep Convolution Neural Network by Alex Krizhevsky and his colleagues.The Alexnet has eight layers with learnable parameters. The model consists of five layers with a combination of max pooling followed by 3 fully connected layers and they use Relu activation in each of these layers except the output layer.They found out that using the relu as an activation function accelerated the speed of the training process by almost six times. They also used the dropout layers, that prevented their model from overfitting.

The architecture of AlexNet is shown in Figure (a) below. It is worth mentioning that there were two parallel pipelines of processing in the original architecture, which are not shown in Figure (a). These two pipelines are caused by two GPUs working together to build the training model with a faster speed and memory sharing. The network was originally trained on a GTX 580 GPU with 3 GB of memory, and it was impossible to fit the intermediate computations in this amount of space. Therefore, the network was partitioned across two GPUs. The original architecture is shown in Figure (b), in which the work is partitioned into two GPUs.

We also show the architecture without the changes caused by the GPUs, so that it can be more easily compared with other convolutional neural network architectures discussed.It is noteworthy that the GPUs are inter-connected in only a subset of the layers in Figure (b), which leads to some differences between Figure (a) and (b) in terms of the actual model constructed. Specifically, the GPU-partitioned architecture has fewer weights because not all layers have interconnections. Dropping some of the interconnections reduces the communication time between the processors and therefore helps in efficiency.

One thing to note here, since Alexnet is a deep architecture, the authors introduced padding to prevent the size of the feature maps from reducing drastically. The input to this model is the images of size 227 X 227 X 3.

AlexNet starts with 224 × 224 × 3 images and uses 96 filters of size 11 × 11 × 3 in the first layer. A stride of 4 is used. This results in a first layer of size 55 × 55 × 96. After the first layer has been computed, a max-pooling layer is used. This layer is denoted by ‘MP’ in Figure (a). Note that the architecture of Figure (a) is a simplified version of the architecture shown in Figure (b), which explicitly shows the two parallel pipelines.
The activation function used in this layer is relu. The output feature map is 55 x 55 x 96.

In case, you are unaware of how to calculate the output size of a convolution layer
output= ((Input-filter size)/ stride)+1

Also, the number of filters becomes the channel in the output feature map.

Next, we have the first Maxpooling layer, of size 3x3 and stride 2. Then we get the resulting feature map with the size 27x27x96.

After this, we apply the second convolution operation. This time the filter size is reduced to 5x5 and we have 256 such filters. The stride is 1 and padding 2. The activation function used is again ReLU. Now the output size we get is 27x27x256.

Again we applied a max-pooling layer of size 3x3 with stride 2. The resulting feature map is of shape 13x13x256.
Now we apply the third convolution operation with 384 filters of size 3x3 stride 1 and also padding 1. Again the activation function used is ReLU. The output feature map is of shape 13x13x384.

Then we have the fourth convolution operation with 384 filters of size 3X3. The stride along with the padding is 1. On top of that activation function used is relu. Now the output size remains unchanged i.e 13x13x384.

After this, we have the final convolution layer of size 3X3 with 256 such filters. The stride and padding are set to one also the activation function is relu. The resulting feature map is of shape 13x13x256.

So if you look at the architecture till now, the number of filters is increasing as we are going deeper. Hence it is extracting more features as we move deeper into the architecture. Also, the filter size is reducing, which means the initial filter was larger and as we go ahead the filter size is decreasing, resulting in a decrease in the feature map shape.

Next, we apply the third max-pooling layer of size 3x3 and stride 2. Resulting in the feature map of the shape 6 x 6 x 256.

After this, we have our first dropout layer. The drop-out rate is set to be 0.5.

Then we have the first fully connected layer with a relu activation function. The size of the output is 4096. Next comes another dropout layer with the dropout rate fixed at 0.5.

This followed by a second fully connected layer with 4096 neurons and relu activation.

Finally, we have the last fully connected layer or output layer with 1000 neurons as we have 10000 classes in the data set. The activation function used at this layer is Softmax.

This is the architecture of the Alexnet model. It has a total of 62.3 million learnable parameters.

Figure (b) shows a depth of the first convolution layer of only 48, because the 96 feature maps are divided among the GPUs for parallelization. On the other hand, Figure (a) does not assume the use of GPUs, and therefore the width is explicitly shown as 96. The ReLU activation function was applied after each convolutional layer, which was followed by response normalization and max-pooling. Although max-pooling has been annotated in the figure, it has not been assigned a block in the architecture. Furthermore, the ReLU and response normalization layers are not explicitly shown in the figure.These types of concise representations are common in pictorial depictions of neural architectures.

The second convolutional layer uses the response-normalized and pooled output of the first convolutional layer and filters it with 256 filters of size 5 × 5 × 96. No intervening pooling or normalization layers are present in the third, fourth, or fifth convolutional layers. The sizes of the filters of the third, fourth, and fifth convolutional layers are 3 × 3 × 256 (with 384 filters), 3 × 3 × 384 (with 384 filters), and 3 × 3 × 384 (with 256 filters). All max-pooling layers used 3 × 3 filters at stride 2. Therefore, there was some overlap among the pools. The fully connected layers have 4096 neurons. The final set of 4096 activations can be treated as a 4096-dimensional representation of the image. 

The final layer of AlexNet uses a 1000-way softmax in order to perform the classification. It is noteworthy that the final layer of 4096 activations (labeled by FC7 in Figure (b)) is often used to create a flat 4096 dimensional representation of an image for applications beyond classification. One can extract these features for any out-of-sample image by simply passing it through the trained neural network. These features often generalize well to other data sets and other tasks. Such features are referred to as FC7 features. In fact, the use of the extracted features from the penultimate layer as FC7 was popularized after AlexNet, even though the approach was known much earlier. As a result, such extracted features from the penultimate layer of a convolutional neural network are often referred to as FC7 features, irrespective of the number of layers in that network. It is noteworthy that the number of feature maps in middle layers is far larger than the initial depth of the volume in the input layer (which is only 3 corresponding to RGB colors) although their spatial dimensions are smaller. This is because the initial depth only contains the RGB color components, whereas the later layers capture different types of semantic features in the features maps.

Many design choices used in the architecture became standard in later architectures. A specific example is the use of ReLU activation in the architecture (instead of sigmoid or tanh units). The choice of the activation function in most convolutional neural networks today is almost exclusively focused on the ReLU, although this was not the case before AlexNet.Some other training tricks were known at the time, but their use in AlexNet popularized them. One example was the use of data augmentation, which turned out to be very useful in improving accuracy. AlexNet also underlined the importance of using specialized hardware like GPUs for training on such large data sets. Dropout was used with L2-weight decay in order to improve generalization. The use of Dropout is common in virtually all types of architectures today because it provides an additional booster in most cases. The use of local response normalization was eventually discarded by later architectures.

We also briefly mention the parameter choices used in AlexNet. The interested reader can find the full code and parameter files of AlexNet. L2-regularization was used with a parameter of 5 × 10−4. Dropout was used by sampling units at a probability of 0.5.Momentum-based (mini-batch) stochastic gradient descent was used for training AlexNet with parameter value of 0.8. The batch-size was 128. The learning rate was 0.01, although it was eventually reduced a couple of times as the method began to converge. Even with the use of the GPU, the training time of AlexNet was of the order of a week.

The final top-5 error rate, which was defined as the fraction of cases in which the correct image was not included in the top-5 images, was about 15.4%. This error rate was in comparison with the previous winners with an error rate of more than 25%. The gap with respect to the second-best performer in the contest was also similar. The use of single convolutional network provided a top-5 error rate of 18.2%, although using an ensemble of seven models provided the winning error-rate of 15.4%. Note that these types of ensemble-based tricks provide a consistent improvement of between 2% and 3% with most architectures. Furthermore, since the executions of most ensemble methods are embarrassingly parallelizable, it is relatively easy to perform them, as long as sufficient hardware resources are available.

AlexNet is considered a fundamental advancement within the field of computer vision because of the large margin with which it won the ILSVRC contest. This success rekindled interest in deep learning in general, and convolutional neural networks in particular.

End Notes

To quickly summarize the architecture that we have seen .
It has 8 layers with learnable parameters.
The input to the Model is RGB images.
It has 5 convolution layers with a combination of max-pooling layers.
Then it has 3 fully connected layers.
The activation function used in all layers is Relu.
It used two Dropout layers.
The activation function used in the output layer is Softmax.
The total number of parameters in this architecture is 62.3 million.


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