
Showing posts from December, 2021

Case Studies-Convolutional Architecture -AlexNet

In the following, we provide some case studies of convolutional architectures. These case studies were derived from successful entries to the ILSVRC competition in recent years.These are instructive because they provide an understanding of the important factors in neural network design that can make these networks work well. Even though recent years have seen some changes in architectural design (like ReLU activation), it is striking how similar the modern architectures are to the basic design of LeNet-5. The main changes from LeNet-5 to modern architectures are in terms of the explosion of depth, the use of ReLU activation, and the training efficiency enabled by modern hardware/optimization enhancements. Modern architectures are deeper, and they use a variety of computational, architectural, and hardware tricks to efficiently train these networks with large amounts of data. Hardware advancements should not be underestimated; modern GPU-based platforms are 10,000 times faster than

Gated Recurrent Units-GRUs

The Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) can be viewed as a simplification of the LSTM, which does not use explicit cell states. Another difference is that the LSTM directly controls the amount of information changed in the hidden state using separate forget and output gates.On the other hand, a GRU uses a single reset gate to achieve the same goal. However, the basic idea in the GRU is quite similar to that of an LSTM, in terms of how it partially resets the hidden states.    It was introduced by Kyunghyun Cho et al in the year 2014. GRU does not have a separate cell state($C_t)$.It only has a hidden state($H_t$). Due to the simpler architecture, GRUs are faster to train. They are almost similar to LSTMs except that they have two gates: reset gate and update gate . Reset gate determines how to combine new input to previous memory and update gate determines how much of the previous state to keep. Update gate in GRU is what input gate and forget gate were in LSTM. We don't have the seco