Applications of Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural networks have numerous applications in machine learning applications, which are associated with information retrieval, speech recognition, and handwriting recognition. Text data forms the predominant setting for applications of RNNs, although there are several applications to computational biology as well. Most of the applications of RNNs fall into one of two categories:

1. Conditional language modeling: When the output of a recurrent network is a language model, one can enhance it with context in order to provide a relevant output to the context. In most of these cases, the context is the neural output of another neural network. To provide one example, in image captioning the context is the neural representation of an image provided by a convolutional network, and the language model provides a caption for the image. In machine translation, the context is the representation of a sentence in a source language (produced by another RNN), and the language model in the target language provides a translation.

2. Leveraging token-specific outputs: The outputs at the different tokens can be used to learn other properties than a language model. For example, the labels output at different time-stamps might correspond to the properties of the tokens (such as their parts of speech). In handwriting recognition, the labels might correspond to the characters. In some cases, all the time-stamps might not have an output, but the end-of-sentence marker might output a label for the entire sentence. This approach is referred to as sentence-level classification, and is often used in sentiment analysis. In some of these applications, bidirectional recurrent networks are used because the context on both sides of a word is helpful. 

1.Automatic Image Captioning

In image captioning, the training data consists of image-caption pairs. For example, the image in the left-hand side of  is obtained from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Web site. This image is captioned “cosmic winter wonderland.” One might have hundreds of thousands of such image-caption pairs. These pairs are used to train the weights in the neural network. Once the training has been completed, the captions are predicted for unknown test instances. Therefore, one can view this approach as an instance of image-to-sequence learning.

One issue in the automatic captioning of images is that a separate neural network is required to learn the representation of the images. A common architecture to learn the representation of images is the convolutional neural network.An important point here is that the convolutional neural network and the recurrent neural network are not trained in isolation. Although one might train them in isolation in order to create an initialization, the final weights are always trained jointly by running each image through the network and matching up the predicted caption with the true caption. In other words, for each image-caption pair, the weights in both networks are updated when errors are made in predicting any particular token of the caption. In practice, the errors are soft because the tokens at each point are predicted probabilistically.

After all the weights have been trained, a test image is input to the entire system and passed through both the convolutional and recurrent neural network. For the recurrent network, the input at the first time-stamp is the <START> token and the representation of the image. At later time-stamps, the input is the most likely token predicted at the previous time-stamp.

2.Sequence-to-Sequence Learning and Machine Translation

Just as one can put together a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network to perform image captioning, one can put together two recurrent networks to translate one language into another. Such methods are also referred to as sequence-to-sequence learning because a sequence in one language is mapped to a sequence in another language. In principle, sequence-to-sequence learning can have applications beyond machine translation. For example, even question-answering (QA) systems can be viewed as sequence-to-sequence learning applications.

In the machine translation application, two different RNNs are hooked end-to-end, just as a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network are hooked together for image captioning. The first recurrent network uses the words from the source language as input. No outputs are produced at these time-stamps and the successive time-stamps accumulate knowledge about the source sentence in the hidden state. Subsequently, the endof-sentence symbol is encountered, and the second recurrent network starts by outputting the first word of the target language. The next set of states in the second recurrent network output the words of the sentence in the target language one by one. These states also use the words of the target language as input, which is available for the case of the training instances but not for test instances (where predicted values are used instead). This architecture is shown in Figure below.

One can view this architecture in a similar way to the image captioning application, except that we are using two recurrent networks instead of a convolutional-recurrent pair. The output of the final hidden node of RNN1 is a fixed-length encoding of the source sentence. Therefore, irrespective of the length of the sentence, the encoding of the source sentence depends on the dimensionality of the hidden representation.

The grammar and length of the sentence in the source and target languages may not be the same. In order to provide a grammatically correct output in the target language, RNN2 needs to learn its language model. It is noteworthy that the units in RNN2 associated with the target language have both inputs and outputs arranged in the same way as a language modeling RNN. At the same time, the output of RNN2 is conditioned on the input it receives from RNN1, which effectively causes language translation.

The use of neural networks for machine translation is relatively recent. Recurrent neural network models have a sophistication that greatly exceeds that of traditional machine translation models. The latter class of methods uses phrase-centric machine learning, which is often not sophisticated enough to learn the subtle differences between the grammars of the two languages. In practice, deep models with multiple layers are used to improve the performance.

One weakness of such translation models is that they tend to work poorly when the sentences are long. Numerous solutions have been proposed to solve the problem. A recent solution is that the sentence in the source language is input in the opposite order . This approach brings the first few words of the sentences in the two languages closer in terms of their time-stamps within the recurrent neural network architecture. As a result, the first few words in the target language are more likely to be predicted correctly. The correctness in predicting the first few words is also helpful in predicting the subsequent words, which are also dependent on a neural language model in the target language.

Question-Answering Systems

A natural application of sequence-to-sequence learning is that of question answering (QA). Question-answering systems are designed with different types of training data. In particular, two types of question-answering systems are common:

1. In the first type, the answers are directly inferred based on the phrases and clue words in the question.

2. In the second type, the question is first transformed into a database query, and is used to query a structured knowledge base of facts.

Sequence-to-sequence learning can be helpful in both settings. Consider the first setting, in which we have training data containing question-answer pairs like the following:

What is the capital of China? <EOQ> The capital is Beijing. <EOA>

These types of training pairs are not very different from those available in the case of machine translation, and the same techniques can be used in these cases. However, note  there is a greater level of reasoning in the latter, which typically requires an understanding of the relationships between various entities (e.g., people, places, and organizations). This problem is related to the quintessential problem of information extraction. Since questions are often crafted around various types of named entities and relationships among them, information extraction methods are used in various ways. The utility of entities and information extraction is well known in answering “what/who/where/when” types of questions (e.g., entity-oriented search), because named entities are used to represent persons, locations, organizations, dates, and events, and relationship extraction provides information about the interactions among them. One can incorporate the meta-attributes about tokens, such as entity types, as additional inputs to the learning process.

An important difference between question-answering and machine translation systems is that the latter is seeded with a large corpus of documents (e.g., a large knowledge base like Wikipedia). The query resolution process can be viewed as a kind of entity-oriented search. From the perspective of deep learning, an important challenge of QA systems is that a much larger capacity to store the knowledge is required than is typically available in recurrent neural networks. A deep learning architecture that works well in these settings is that of memory networks. Question-answering systems pose many different settings in which the training data may be presented, and the ways in which various types of questions may be answered and evaluated.

3.Application to Sentence-Level Classification

In this problem, each sentence is treated as a training (or test) instance for classification purposes. Sentence-level classification is generally a more difficult problem than document level classification because sentences are short, and there is often not enough evidence in the vector space representation to perform the classification accurately. However, the sequence centric view is more powerful and can often be used to perform more accurate classification.

The RNN architecture for sentence-level classification is shown in Figure below. Note that we no longer care about the outputs at each node but defer the class output to the end of the sentence. In other words, a single class label is predicted at the very last time-stamp of the sentence, and it is used to backpropagate the class prediction errors.

Sentence-level classification is often leveraged in sentiment analysis. This problem attempts to discover how positive or negative users are about specific topics by analyzing the content of a sentence. For example, one can use sentence-level classification to determine whether or not a sentence expresses a positive sentiment by treating the sentiment polarity as the class label. In the example shown in Figure , the sentence clearly indicates a positive sentiment. Note, however, that one cannot simply use a vector space representation containing the word “love” to infer the positive sentiment. For example, if words such as “don’t” or “hardly” occur before “love”, the sentiment would change from positive to negative.Such words are referred to as contextual valence shifters , and their effect can be modeled only in a sequence-centric setting. Recurrent neural networks can handle such settings because they use the accumulated evidence over the specific sequence of words in order to predict the class label. One can also combine this approach with linguistic features.

4.Token-Level Classification with Linguistic Features

The numerous applications of token-level classification include information extraction and text segmentation. In information extraction, specific words or combinations of words are identified that correspond to persons, places, or organizations. The linguistic features of the word (capitalization, part-of-speech, orthography) are more important in these applications than in typical language modeling or machine translation applications. Nevertheless, the methods discussed in this section for incorporating linguistic features can be used for any of the applications discussed in earlier sections. 

For the purpose of discussion, consider a named-entity recognition application in which every entity is to be classified as one of the categories corresponding to person (P), location (L), and other (O). In such cases, each token in the training data has one of these labels. An example of a possible training sentence is as follows:

In practice, the tagging scheme is often more complex because it encodes information about the beginning and end of a set of contiguous tokens with the same label. For test instances, the tagging information about the tokens is not available.

The recurrent neural network can be defined in a similar way as in the case of language modeling applications, except that the outputs are defined by the tags rather than the next set of words. The input at each time-stamp $t$ is the one-hot encoding $\bar{x}_t$ of the token, and the output $\bar{y}_t$ is the tag. Furthermore, we have an additional set of $q$-dimensional linguistic features $\bar{f}_t$ associated with the tokens at time-stamp $t$. These linguistic features might encode information about the capitalization, orthography, capitalization, and so on.The hidden layer, therefore, receives two separate inputs from the tokens and from the linguistic features. The corresponding architecture is illustrated in Figure below.

5.Time-Series Forecasting and Prediction

Recurrent neural networks present a natural choice for time-series forecasting and prediction. The main difference from text is that the input units are real-valued vectors rather than (discrete) one-hot encoded vectors. For real-valued prediction, the output layer always uses linear activations, rather than the softmax function. In the event that the output is a discrete value (e.g., identifier of a specific event), it is also possible to use discrete outputs with softmax activation. Although any of the variants of the recurrent neural network (e.g., LSTM or GRU) can be used, one of the common problems in time-series analysis is that such sequences can be extremely long. Even though the LSTM and the GRU provide a certain level of protection with increased time-series length, there are limitations to the performance. This is because LSTMs and GRUs do degrade for series beyond certain lengths. Many time-series can have a very large number of time-stamps with various types of short- and long-term dependencies. The prediction and forecasting problems present unique challenges in these cases.

However, a number of useful solutions exist, at least in cases where the number of time-series to be forecasted is not too large. The most effective method is the use of the echo-state network , in which it is possible to effectively forecast and predict both real-valued and discrete observations with a small number of time-series. The caveat that the number of inputs is small is an important one, because echo-state networks rely on randomized expansion of the feature space via the hidden units. If the number of original time series is too large, then it may not turn out to be practical to expand the dimensionality of the hidden space sufficiently to capture this type of feature engineering. It is noteworthy that the vast majority of forecasting models in the time-series literature are, in fact, univariate models. A classical example is the autoregressive model (AR), which uses the immediate window of history in order to perform forecasting.

6.Temporal Recommender Systems

Several solutions  have been proposed in recent years for temporal modeling of recommender systems. Some of these methods use temporal aspects of users, whereas others use temporal aspects of users and items. One observation is that the properties of items tend to be more strongly fixed in time than the properties of users. Therefore, solutions that use the temporal modeling only at the user level are often sufficient. However, some methods  perform the temporal modeling both at the user level and at the item level.

In temporal recommender systems, the time-stamps associated with user ratings are leveraged for the recommendation process. Consider a case in which the observed rating of user $i$ for item $j$ at time-stamp $t$ is denoted by $r_{ijt}$. For simplicity, we assume that the time-stamp $t$ is simply the index of the rating in the sequential order it was received (although many models use the wall-clock time). Therefore, the sequence being modeled by the RNN is a sequence of rating values associated with the content-centric representations of the users and items to which the rating belongs. Therefore, we want to model the value of the rating as a function of content-centric inputs at each time-stamp.

We describe these content-centric representations below. The prediction of the rating $r_{ijt}$ is assumed to be depend on (i) static features associated with the item, (ii) static features associated with the user, and (iii) the dynamic features associated with the user. The static features associated with the item might be item titles or descriptions, and one can create a bag-of-words representation of the item. The static features associated with the user might be a user-specific profile or a fixed history of accesses of this user, which does not change over the data set. The static features associated with the users are also typically represented as a bag of words, and one can even consider item-rating pairs as pseudo-keywords in order to combine user-specified keywords with ratings activity. In the case where ratings activity is used, a fixed history of accesses of the user is always leveraged for designing static features.

The dynamic user features are more interesting because they are based on the dynamically changing user access history. In this case, a short history of item-rating pairs can be used as pseudo-keywords, and a bag-of-words representation can be created at time-stamp $t$.

In several cases, explicit ratings are not available, but implicit feedback data is available corresponding to a user clicking on an item. In the event that implicit feedback is used, negative sampling becomes necessary in which user-item pairs for which activity has not occurred are included in the sequence at random. This approach can be viewed as a hybrid between a content-based and collaborative recommendation approach. While it does use the user-item-rating triplets like a traditional recommender model, the content-centric representations of the users and items are input at each time-stamp. However, the inputs at different time-stamps correspond to different user-item pairs, and therefore the collaborative power of the patterns of ratings among different users and items is used as well.

The overall architecture of this recommender system is illustrated in Figure below. It is evident that this architecture contains three different subnetworks to create feature embeddings out of static item features, static user features, and dynamic user features. The first two of these three are feed-forward networks, whereas the last of them is a recurrent neural network. First, the embeddings from the two user-centric networks are fused using either concatenation or element-wise multiplication. In the latter case, it is necessary to create embeddings of the same dimensionality for static and dynamic user features. Then, this fused user embedding at time-stamp $t$ and the static item embedding is used to predict the rating at time-stamp $t$. For implicit feedback data, one can predict probabilities of positive activity for a particular user-item pair. The chosen loss function depends on the nature of the rating being predicted. The training algorithm needs to work with a consecutive sequence of training triplets (of some fixed mini-batch size) and backpropagate to the static and dynamic portions of the network simultaneously.

7.Secondary Protein Structure Prediction

In protein structure prediction, the elements of the sequence are the symbols representing one of the 20 amino acids. The 20 possible amino acids are akin to the vocabulary used in the text setting. Therefore, a one-hot encoding of the input is effective in these cases. Each position is associated with a class label corresponding to the secondary protein structure.This secondary structure can be either the alpha-helix, beta-sheet, or coil. Therefore, this problem can be reduced to token-level classification. A three-way softmax is used in the output layer. A bidirectional recurrent neural network for prediction.This is because protein structure prediction is a problem that benefits from the context on both sides of a particular position. In general, the choice between using a uni-directional network and a bidirectional network is highly regulated by whether or not the prediction is causal to a historical segment or whether it depends on the context on both sides.

8.End-to-End Speech Recognition

In end-to-end speech recognition, one attempts to transcribe the raw audio files into character sequences while going through as few intermediate steps as possible. A small amount of preprocessing is still needed in order to make the data presentable as an input sequence.For example, the work by Graves and Jaitly presents the data as spectrograms derived from raw audio files using the specgram function of the matplotlib python toolkit. The width used was 254 Fourier windows with an overlap of 127 frames and 128 inputs per frame. The output is a character in the transcription sequence, which could include a character, a punctuation mark, a space, or even a null character. The label could be different depending on the application at hand. For example, the labels could be characters, phonemes, or musical notes.A bidirectional recurrent neural network is most appropriate to this setting, because the context on both sides of a character helps in improving accuracy.

One challenge associated with this type of setting is that we need the alignment between the frame representation of the audios and the transcription sequence. This type of alignment is not available a priori, and is in fact one of the outputs of the system. This leads to the problem of circular dependency between segmentation and recognition, which is also referred to as Sayre’s paradox. This problem is solved with the use of connectionist temporal classification. In this approach, a dynamic programming algorithm is combined with the (softmax) probabilistic outputs of the recurrent network in order to determine the alignment that maximizes the overall probability of generation. 

9.Handwriting Recognition

A closely related application to speech recognition is that of handwriting recognition. In handwriting recognition, the input consists of a sequence of $(x, y)$ coordinates, which represents the position of the tip of the pen at each time-stamp. The output corresponds to a sequence of characters written by the pen. These coordinates are then used to extract further features such as a feature indicating whether the pen is touching the writing surface, the angles between nearby line segments, the velocity of the writing, and normalized values of the coordinates. The work by Graves et al extracts a total of 25 features. It is evident that multiple coordinates will create a character. However, it is hard to know exactly how many coordinates will create each character because it may vary significantly over the handwriting and style of different writers. Much like speech recognition, the issue of proper segmentation creates numerous challenges. This is the same Sayre’s paradox that is encountered in speech recognition.


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