Long Short-Term Memory- LSTM

Recurrent neural networks have problems associated with vanishing and exploding gradients . This is a common problem in neural network updates where successive multiplication by the matrix $W^{(k)}$ is inherently unstable; it either results in the gradient disappearing during backpropagation, or in it blowing up to large values in an unstable way. This type of instability is the direct result of successive multiplication with the (recurrent) weight matrix at various time-stamps. One way of viewing this problem is that a neural network that uses only multiplicative updates is good only at learning over short sequences, and is therefore inherently endowed with good short-term memory but poor long-term memory. To address this problem, a solution is to change the recurrence equation for the hidden vector with the use of the LSTM with the use of long-term memory . The operations of the LSTM are designed to have fine-grained control over the data written into this long-term memory. LSTM ...